• Why sell your car to Browning?

Why sell your car to Browning?

Because at Browning, we do things differently. We know selling your car can be stressful, so we’ve created a process that’s honest, straightforward, and centered around you. No pushy tactics, no nitpicking—just real people who care about making it easy.

Our team takes the time to understand the true value of your car and we’re upfront from the very beginning. Plus, if you choose to part exchange, you’ll often get even more for your vehicle—making it a smart and seamless way to upgrade.

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5 Day Price guarantee
Your valuation is locked in for 5 days, giving you time to book an appointment that suits your schedule while safeguarding you from market fluctuations.

Skip the Stress of Selling Privately
Avoid time-wasters, empty promises, and boomerang buyers—the list of problems can be endless. We believe selling your car should be simple, easy, and hassle-free.

Have the cash in your bank immediately
We don’t believe you should have to pay to receive your own money. Unlike our competitors, we’ll send the cash straight to your bank account with no extra charges.

We Settle All Outstanding Finance
Looking to sell a used car with outstanding finance? No worries — we can take care of it for you!

Sell Your Car in Less Than an 45 Minutes
Our car buying process is streamlined to perfection — not only have we been established longer than the well most known car buying website, but we’re also 15 minutes faster.

We are Not Here to Nitpick
We don’t overanalyze every chip, crack, or scratch just to knock down your car’s value. It’s not in our interest to find faults for fun. We always consider the car’s age and mileage before making any assessment—Unlike the most popular car buying website, where they get paid to pick fault.

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Communication from us might include, offers/latest news and new vehicle arrivals. We promise to never sell your data to any third parties. You can opt out of any communication from us by simply clicking 'unsubscribe' at the bottom of any emails.
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